Industry: Manufacturing

Our client is India’s first and largest vertically integrated energy company that offers products and services across the spectrum of photovoltaic manufacturing. The fully integrated, high-efficiency Solar Panel manufacturer is currently building the world’s first-ever 10 GW Solar PV manufacturing ecosystem in the country.

Business Challenges

Equipment failure can occur on a small part of a large, complex plant and go unnoticed for a long time.

The main goal was to collect the images from the cloud and add them to a centralized space where results could be predicted. ​

The traditional method of detecting damage to solar panels was an overhead for the customer due to the huge labor costs involved. ​

The client wanted to identify the damage classes for their solar panel system by analyzing images of solar cells and predicting the type of defect. ​


Celebal Technologies proposed a data-driven solution to help anticipate failures and optimize maintenance interventions, resulting in increased plant performance.  ​

Data was transmitted from their servers to Blob Storage. ​

An AI model was developed to detect two damage classes in EL images.  ​

A user interface was designed for uploading the data and displaying the inference results.  ​

Technologies Used

Azure ML

Azure Blob ​

Key Vault​

Cosmos DB​

Azure DevOps ​

AI Models

Key KPIs

Business Impacts

A prominent renewable energy firm successfully harnessed the potential of predictive maintenance and remote monitoring through a collaborative partnership with Celebal Tech.

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